SoECAT – Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Template

The Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Template (SoECAT) is a tool which is used for use with non-commercial research studies in the UK.  Its primary purpose is to ensure costs are appropriately attributed to AcoRD principles at the time of applying for research funding, to ensure that Research Costs are met via that funding.  The SoECAT will not normally reflect all activities that are included within an application for Research Cost funding. 

On 1st April 2023 the SoECAT moved online.  Although some funders are still accepting the uploaded excel version, researchers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the online tool as soon as possible as it will replace the excel version permanently over the next 12-18 months. 

Guidance on how to create and complete the SoECAT is available here and here. Researchers must not complete the template without support from their intended Sponsor. 


Where the Trust (RBHH/GSTT) is Sponsor OR host of the grant application, the research development team (at grant application stage) or the research facilitation team (at HRA application stage) will support the completion and correct cost attribution of the SoECAT as a Study Representative

Where the Trust is not the study Sponsor or grant lead organisation, please refer to Scenario 2.

Accurate SoECAT completion requires an understanding of the patient journey and associated activities and how the research is different from routine care, hence investigator input is vital.  It is expected the grant lead / study CI will already be working closely with the appointed Study Representative in writing their grant application or preparing their HRA application. 

As a minimum, the Study Representative will require a detailed research plan and flow diagram (showing the flow of patients through the study and which clearly differentiates between routine care procedures and investigations versus research procedures and investigations).

Once the investigator and Study Representative are satisfied that the SoECAT accurately reflects the study at site level, the Study Representative can then authorise the completed SoECAT as an approved AcoRD Specialist.

What this means in simple terms for a researcher, is that their appointed RBHH research office contact can support both SoECAT completion and SoECAT authorisation.

This process applies where the Trust is not the study Sponsor or grant lead organisation.
The SoECAT will be developed with the study Sponsor who will need to ensure there is sufficient funding to allow successful delivery of the research within the specified timeframe.

The role of the research development team (at grant application stage) or the research facilitation team (at HRA application stage) will be to authorise completed SoECATs as an AcoRD Specialist where the Trust (RBHH/GSTT) is the lead or only NHS site. The AcoRD Specialist role has been devolved to RBHH research office from South London CRN.  

Accountability for accurate SoECAT completion lies with the investigator and study Sponsor, as per NIHR’s guidance here. Therefore, to initiate review and authorisation, the AcoRD Specialist will first require written confirmation from the Sponsor that they have been involved in completing the SoECAT and are happy it is accurate

In addition to this confirmation, the AcoRD Specialist will also need to see the completed SoECAT, a detailed research plan and flow diagram (showing the flow of patients through the study and which clearly differentiates between routine care procedures and investigations versus research procedures and investigations).

For AcoRD Specialist authorisation at grant application stage, please send the completed SoECAT, together with the grant application, patient flow diagram, and written Sponsor confirmation, to at least 2 weeks before the grant submission deadline, otherwise authorisation cannot be guaranteed.

Any concerns regarding attribution or completion will be raised to the researcher for discussion with their Sponsor. 

For AcoRD Specialist authorisation at the HRA application stage, please send the above to

Details will be added here once the new online process is clear but as a minimum, for AcoRD Specialist authorisation at grant application stage, please send the grant application, patient flow diagram, and written Sponsor confirmation, to at least 2 weeks before the grant submission deadline, otherwise authorisation cannot be guaranteed. 

Any concerns regarding attribution or completion will be raised to the researcher for discussion with their Sponsor. 

For AcoRD Specialist authorisation at the HRA application stage, please send the above to