Working together to turn today's research into tomorrow's care

AHSC logoIn June 2016, the Trust joined the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC), a partnership with Imperial College London, the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. 

By aligning the research, education and clinical services of these four internationally-renowned organisations, the AHSC aims to improve the quality of life for patients and communities, by taking new research discoveries and translating them into new treatments and techniques. 

The AHSC builds on existing collaborative projects between the four partners, including: 

  • the West London Genomic Medicine Centre, which is playing a key role in the successful delivery of the 100,000 Genomes Project
  • the Royal Marsden Partners Cancer Vanguard, which is developing new models of cancer care
  • joint lung cancer research projects.

Bob Bell, chief executive, said: “This strategic alliance will promote an integrated research vision with the capacity to strengthen translational research into heart and lung disease. 

“Patients will be the ultimate beneficiaries, with our combined expertise offering an unparalleled national collaboration. This will improve outcomes now and support enhanced research for future generations.” 

As well as being a driving force for future innovations and patient care, the AHSC is an inclusive learning network for staff at all levels, with an exciting programme of seminars, which are hosted by the partner trusts on a rotational basis and cover topics ranging from how innovative devices are changing the way cardiovascular disease is treated, to understanding and treating the flu virus. 

All seminar presentations are recorded and can be viewed by visiting

Researcher looking at samples

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